When I think back at my life there are many things that I feel I could of, should of, would of done! I love my life right now but there is one place that I feel such a void... That is in the area of education. I am one of the only people in my department that does not have a Bachelor degree. I know that it would help me advance in the area that I am working and I really want to go back to school. I am really struggling with wanting to work and wanting to stay home with my family. I know that staying home is not an option so I feel like the best thing for me to do is to go back to school so that if I have to work then I can really help support my family better. I am still trying to figure out if online will be the way that I will go.
I love the job that I am doing but I just feel like I should be doing something else. I have a supportive role right now and I am tired of being in the back ground. I keep saying that I don't always want to be the assistant but at some point I would like to be the one that has an assistant. I have a bunch more on my mind and I will try to keep this updated at least once a week so that Sherry will have some light reading to do. I have a lot of pictures and video that I need to put on here and write about. My family is changing so fast and I will keep pictures on here to show Kelly and Matt what is going on with us. I hope that everything is going well for you guys.
Love you all,